Friday 18 March 2022

Pope Francis invited the Bishops for the consecration of Russians as the request of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917

Pray for the Holy Father and our bishops!

The Holy See confirmed on Fri., March 18, that Pope Francis invites all the world’s bishops to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Pope Francis will consecrate the two nations at 5 p.m. local time in St. Peter’s Basilica on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. The consecration will occur during the Celebration of Penance.

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Apostolic Nuncio to the United States Archbishop Christophe Pierre signed an urgent letter dated March 17 informing bishops of the Holy Father’s intention to invite the participation of all United States’ bishops.

Here’s a photo of the letter below:


The first portion of the letter reads, “In the context of the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, the Holy Father, Pope Francis will lead an Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25th…”

Archbishop Pierre said the Holy Father will send a formal invitation, along with the consecration prayer.

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Several bishops throughout the world said they will join in the consecration. As of this writing, bishops in Ukraine, Portugal, Latin America, the Caribbean, England, Wales, and the Philippines intend to participate.

Our Lady of Fatima’s request for the Consecration of Russia

Our Lady of Fatima requested in her 1917 apparitions that all the world’s bishops consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

“I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays.

“If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.

“The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

The Holy See and Sr. Lucia said Pope St. John Paul II’s 1984 consecration fulfilled her requests.

However, the Ukrainian bishops asked the Holy Father to renew this consecration hoping to obtain peace amid the ongoing war.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, please pray for us!

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